BDBMC 2017 Annual Luncheon Event Program Design

BDBMC 2017 Annual Luncheon Event Program Design

Business Development Board of Martin County program and Sponsor Board Design Once per year The Business Development Board of Martin County holds their Annual Business Appreciation Luncheon. This year the Director of The BDBMC contacted Amplified Graphic Design...
#KeepRCHelisAlive Hashtag Campaign

#KeepRCHelisAlive Hashtag Campaign

#KeepRCHelisAlive Hashtag Campaign This successful campaign was created in October of 2016 by Amplified Graphic Design Services for the fine people at BK Designs. As the brand manager for this company, the owner and I discuss a lot of different industry topics. It was...
Saw King Corporate Branding

Saw King Corporate Branding

Saw King Service Center Corporate Branding Another company brand is born at the hands of Amplified™ Graphic Design Services! The owner of this great new company approached us to create a high quality, creative design for their idea. They wanted something recognizable...
Drobotron Promotional Banner

Drobotron Promotional Banner

    Drobotron LLC Drop Down Promotional Banner Design and creation of this Drobotron promotional banner was created by Amplified Graphic Design Services. This banner was designed to represent the Drobotron company at the IAAPA show in Singapore. It was...