Our website production process is geared towards a single, important goal. Design, develop and implement a finished product that will become an immediate, long term asset to our clients.
Successfully achieving this goal requires applying standards driven coding techniques, and balancing solid visual design with clear communication to achieve business, marketing and advertising goals that are established at the beginning of the production process. Our expertise and consulting experience is applied throughout the course of the project to guide a fine-tuned approach that is designed to meet your unique requirements and needs.
Our Web Specific Services Include:
Complete, valid XHTML/ CSS Layout
Cellular, PDA and Mobile Device Accessibility
PHP/MySQL based (CMS) Content Management Systems
FLASH and RIA development
Established Open Source Solutions
RSS, Corporate Blog and Podcast Publishing
Secure, E-Commerce and Ordering Systems
Website Re-Design & Competitive Analysis
Website Management and Maintenance
E Commerce Solutions <<< click to find out more
What’s the Bottom Line?
Applying our process, standards based techniques and proven technologies to the production of your website will save you time and money in the long term. Your site will look good on a Mac or a PC. It will be accessible to a larger audience. It will function properly in all major web browsers. It will encourage better results with Search Engines (like Google). And, we can even develop websites that support mobile devices like cell phones and wireless devices.
As the landscape of the web continues to shift, improve and become more accessible, it is important that your website is poised to grow and with these changes and capitalize on the emerging opportunities. We’ll provide you with a solid foundation, and make sure that the long term plan for your website is headed down the right track.