BK Designs Jeti DS-14 Transmitter Product Design

BK Designs Jeti DS-14 Transmitter Product Design

Jeti DS-14 BK Edition The Jeti DS-14 BK Edition is the result of a collaboration between Jeti, BK Designs, and Amplified™ Graphic Design Services. We really enjoyed the challenge of creating this product with Bert Kammerer and BK Designs. This handsome new product is...
Edge Rotorblades Hoodie Design

Edge Rotorblades Hoodie Design

Edge Rotorblades Hoodie Design Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner was always a huge RC helicopter enthusiast, the Olympic Champion and Reality TV Star was seen regularly wearing the Amplified™ Edge Rotorblades Hoodie. Here you see him wearing the sweatshirt on his way to...